Snowuary 2025
The last couple years my wife and I have talked about ways to beat the post-Christmas blues of January: holidays we could celebrate, get-togethers we could organize, etc. Last year one of the ideas we came up with (and the only one we even partially implemented) was Snowuary (well, at the time it was actually originally called Snanuary). The idea behind Snowuary was that for January and February we would play video games and board games that conveyed a sense of winter or snow and ice. Levels, tracks maps, etc. were also fair game.
The list of games I got to last year was relatively short, but this year I was feeling more ambitious. I was originally aiming for playing a half an hour to an hour of a different game everyday. Predictably, I have fallen somewhat behind on that goal so far! However, at any rate, I will try to write about my experiences here for the next couple months.
I would like to invite you, reader, to participate as well. I would love to read about your thoughts and experiences with it, but even if you never share anything about it, I hope you find it brightens your winter slightly.
(Apologies to those of you who live somewhere without snow, or who are experiencing summer right now.)
Snowuary 2025
January 13, 2025 snowuary games video games board games seasonal winter